Unrepentant Geek (matthew) wrote,
Unrepentant Geek

That updating thing

So friday was my last day at Six Apart. I spent most of the week down there getting as much of what I know about LJ documented and transferred to my compatriots. Everyone was really friendly all week. I think that the entire company came by my desk to say hi/bye to me. The last day was kinda sad though. We were pretty busy though so I didn't dwell on it too much. Foo Bar was fun, but that was where it really started to sink in that it was all over. I still keep thinking of ways in which life will be different now.

So I've got a week off before I start and the big G. I've never really had a vacation like this. I have things that I need to do over the next week, but there are no real deadlines. It's nice.

Today I rode down to the BMW dealer and looked at all the pretty bikes. They were having a gear swap and demo ride. I sat on the new R1200R, and I have to say that I'm impressed. It's lighter, more powerful, more comfortable, and it looks better than the old model. They had the BBQ truck there so I picked up some tasty brisket for lunch. mmm.... BBQ...

When I got home I went about removing the graffiti that someone decided to paint on the side of our house. When we got tagged I ordered this stuff called Smooth Max. Since it arrived while I was away I didn't get a chance to use it right away. However, it did an amazing job of removing the week and a half old paint from our vinyl siding. I'm really amazed by this stuff. Highly recommended.

Then my brother came over and we worked on a web site that he's building for his former boss.

Now I'm working on Sneezy.

  • I welcome our new cube overlord

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    Tonight I changed the oil and started in on replacing the seat bushing. looks pretty odd without a tank. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

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  • I welcome our new cube overlord

    Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • it begins again...

    Tonight I changed the oil and started in on replacing the seat bushing. looks pretty odd without a tank. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • Makerbot madness

    I finally took some time to poke at my makerbot again. gordonmessmer and I tried to get it working again in a fairly standard config only…