Unrepentant Geek (matthew) wrote,
Unrepentant Geek

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Today started out with me being woken by my phone. This is a wonderful thing to have happened because not only was it crankygirlie calling, but I had screwed up setting the alarm last night and it would never have gone off.

I made it to work with perfect timing. I spent a bit of time helping daveman692 with the project he's working on and did a bit of my own stuff. I then had two meetings in a row followed by a trip to see another prospective colo facility. By the time we got back from that the day was pretty much over. I sat down with dorkmatt and we went over rack setups and what we should be using. We were the last two out of the office by the time we got done with that. I then headed back to my hotel, stopping in at the Virgin Megastore where I picked up a copy of Logan's Run for $8 and Lush to pick up a few nice smelling things for crankygirlie. I went back to my hotel room to drop things off and then headed out in search of food. I didn't have to go far before I found a super tasty (and cheap!) Thai place across the street. I think that I'll have lunch there tomorrow too.

Now I'm back at the hotel. I'm doing backups for LJ and I think that I'll watch that movie now.
Tags: colo, san francisco, shopping, thai, work

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